Word Play IQ Test

By William F. Bultas
This IQ test is pretty tough, so use any reference materials you think might help. I have placed the answers on a separate page to keep you from looking until you're ready. The ranking scale below can be used to rank yourself when you don't think you'll be able to solve any more of the puzzles. Be sure to try the other IQ tests & puzzles at PUZZ.COM. If you like word puzzles, try Anomalous & Amazing Apt Adages, & Abnormal Amalgamated Scrambled Sayings & Movie & Book Titles (a mouthful, I know!). Happy hunting!

Each problem is a play on the title of a movie. Some of the problems are fairly straightforward, while others are more cryptic, & some are just downright strange! Each puzzle is followed by the decade in which the movie was released, & the number of words in the actual title. Example: City of Angels Narrative (90, 2). The answer is L.A. Story.

Number Correct                 IQ and Title
     0-2                     IQ  90 / Flounder
     3-5                     IQ 100 / Geek
     6-8                     IQ 110 / Nerd
     9-10                    IQ 120 / Pencil Neck
    11-12                    IQ 130 / Mensan
    13-15                    IQ 140 / Word Play Stud      
    16-18                    IQ 150 / Word Play Guru
    19-20                    IQ 150+/ Brilliant!

1. The Entirety of Organisms Big and Tiny (80, 5)

2. Firearms of Citadel Underskirt (50, 4)

3. Assassination of a Derisive Air Dweller (60, 4)

4. The Beginning of Petrograd (20, 5)

5. Magical Month in Spring (90, 2)

6. The Final Guffaw (20, 3)

7. City of Light When it Sputters (60, 4)

8. Phenomenal Occurrence at Freeman's Brook (40, 5)

9. Dividing Beneficiaries (90, 2)

10. Evenings in Pallid Silk (80, 4)

11. Alabama Smith and the Tabernacle of Fate (80, 7)

12. Maze of Desire (80, 3)

13. Pass on My Respects to Wide Thoroughfare (80, 6)

14. Devour a Concave Container of a Drink that is Served Hot and Cold (80, 5)

15. The Rasping Burglar (80, 3)

16. Accurate Fables (90, 2)

17. Anathema of the Twice Living (50, 4)

18. The Fiend Bludgeon (80, 3)

19. Light Pocket Watch With Hinged Protective Cover Dark Organic Pump (90, 4)

20. Turning Blue (90, 3)
