Answers to High Ceiling Verbal IQ Test
Try the test first if you haven't already.
Number Correct IQ
0-2 IQ 75
3-5 IQ 90
6-8 IQ 100
9-11 IQ 110
12-14 IQ 120
15-17 IQ 130
18-20 IQ 140
1. C. A lawyer's assistant.
2. C. Selfish and mean.
3. A. The waning of the moon and the bad luck sometimes associated with it.
4. B. The science of fishing.
5. B. A synthetic substitute for cocaine used as an anaesthetic in spinal surgery.
6. A. A covered entranceway to a church.
7. A. A variety of wild mushroom.
8. C. A large, edible fresh-water fish. However, I received this note from a web surfer: "The answer to Question #8 on the High Ceiling Verbal IQ test is
only partially correct. A tarpon is a large, (marginally)
edible, SALT water fish."
9. A. A document ensuring that a merchant's goods have been checked by a
customs officer.
10. B. A ferocious baboon with a deep blue face and a bright red bottom.
11. B. To draw pictures on a sidewalk for money.
12. A. A small dried fish used in chutney relish.
13. A. A worker who was pro union in the 19th century.
14. B. A person in a carnival game who lets people try to hit him with balls.
15. A. A pickpocket who steals scarves and kerchiefs.
16. B. A time and motion study invented by F.B. Gilbreth, (word is anagram of
17. B. To search for things that have been smuggled.
18. B. Bar hopping.
19. C. A mechanical leech.
20. C. A person with a bald head that resembles a peeled garlic clove.