Tortuous Titles
By William F. Bultas
These 20 problems conceal the names of various movies, television shows, books & other things. Look for synonyms & miscellaneous word play to find the distorted titles. Example: Sidereal Battles (movie). The answer is STAR WARS. Some of the puzzles are a bit harder than this one, so feel free to use a dictionary or any other references that you think may help you. The answers are on this page. I hope you have fun with these brain teasers!
1. You Haven't Met the Guy Who Climbed the Bean Stalk (computer game).
2. I'm Aware of Your Activities Last Year After School Let Out (movie).
3. Marsupial Commanding Officer of the Ship (television show).
4. Low Prime Number's Business (television show).
5. Goodbye, Upper Appendages (book).
6. Dianetics Author's Aged Female Parent (story).
7. Thrice a Proper Woman (song).
8. Final Dinner (painting).
9. Place it in the Will for the Dam Builder (television show).
10. Nude Firearm (movie).
11. Evening of the Undead (movie).
12. Crimson Crustacean (restaurant).
13. Upper Education (movie).
14. The Barrel of Dry Sherry (short story).
15. Do Not Indicate to Mother that the Temporary Infant Guardian is Deceased (movie).
16. Thouroughfare Domicile (movie).
17. Veracity Regarding Canines & Felines (movie).
18. Sway Me, Wolfgang (song).
19. Mr. Hall, Filled to Capacity (movie).
20. One Passed Through the Air Above the European Bird's Home (movie).