Associate This! Answers
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1. A pillory was used to punish an individual, so the answer is C. punishment.
2. Both harbenger and arometherapy are misspelled, so the answer is A. arometherapy.
3. The First and A. My Everything are both part of the title of the famous Barry White song "You're The First, The Last, My Everything."
4. A C. green beret is worn by a member of the Special Forces.
5. The relationship is the word "iron." Iron Maiden and Iron Mike Tyson (A).
6. "That which does not kill me makes me stronger." - Friedrich Nietzche. The answer is B. Nietzche.
7. A. Carrera. Adult film star Asia Carrera is a member of Mensa.
8. B. Jewel and Nile are part of the title of the movie "The Jewel of the Nile."
9. C. Fred and Barney were friends in the cartoon series The Flintstones.
10. The band Milli Vanilli is infamous for B. lip-synch during their performances.
11. Garage and B. bake are words that become terms when followed by the word "sale."
12. During the television show Star Trek (the original one), C. Nichols wore a red uniform playing the character Uhura.
13. Sosa plays baseball for the B. Cubs.
14. Hoyle is most associated with A. cards.
15. OPEC is an organization associated with A. oil.
16. C. Reagan was known for his fondness for jelly beans (much like the PuzzMaster!).
17. Teller and B. cookie are both words that become terms when each is begun with the word "fortune."
18. A widget is a general abstract term for an item (used in examples in economics classes and elsewhere), and C. John Doe is a general abstract name for a person.
19. Flipper was a dolphin, and there is a football team known as the Miami Dolphins, so the answer is C. Miami.
20. The Y2K problem was known as a A. bug.