Answers to's Letter Removal Puzzles

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1. Flame : Fame.

2. Number : Umber.

3. Niece : Nice.

4. Pirate : Prate.

5. Unfit : Unit.

6. Ozone : Zone.

7. Zeno : Zen.

8. Lance : Lane.

9. Emu : Mu.

10. Stratus : Status.

11. Anile : Nile.

12. Noise : Nose.

13. Demos : Demo.

14. Gain : Gin.

15. Amice : Mice.

16. Omen : Men.

17. Envoy : Envy.

18. Supper : Super.

When you string together the first letters of the appropriate words, they spell out FUN PUZZLES AND GAMES.