Culture Fair Memory Test Answers

If you have come to this page without taking the test, CLICK HERE. Otherwise, tally your score & see how you rank. Although this test is only for entertainment purposes, you should get a general idea of how strong your memory is. The percentile rank tells you the percentage of people in the general population who would be expected to score lower than you did.

Number Correct                 IQ and Percentile
     0-2                   IQ   0 - IQ  90 / 0-25
      3                    IQ  90 - IQ  110/25-75
      4                    IQ 110 - IQ  130/75-98
     5-6                   IQ 130 - IQ  138/98-99
     7-8                   IQ 138 - IQ  150/99-99.9
     9-10                           IQ 150+/99.9+

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