RiddleNut Random Riddles
- A different riddle appears each time you reload the page.
- From our
1,001 Best Puzzles
Chimera High Ability Riddle Test
- Published in several Mensa & other high IQ society newsletters, & previously used as an admissions test for the Collegium High IQ Society. Answers & ranking scale are available online.
Chimera Oblique Riddle Exam
- A shorter, tougher test by comparison to the CHART.
The Enigmus Riddle Exam
- Try to solve 30 educational and enjoyable riddles. Gives an estimated IQ score.
Kim's Riddles
- Be sure to give this Canadian author's brain teasers a try - they're fun, and some of them are pretty tough!
Riddles Personified
- These fun riddles conceal the names of famous people. See how many you can solve!