Conventional Wisdom IQ Test

By William F. Bultas

It's time to test your knowledge of various sayings. Each problem is the first part of a well known saying, which could be from a movie, poem, speech, adage, or just about anything, and you should try to write out the rest of each statement. When you're done, click here to check your answers. You may also check your Conventional Wisdom IQ by using the chart below. If your answer is extremely close, give yourself half or full credit for your answer at your discretion. Oh, and add a few points if you are under age 18, did not grow up in the US, or your native language is not English. Have fun!

Number Correct   Conventional Wisdom IQ
0-2              IQ  75
3-5              IQ  90
6-8              IQ 100 
9-11             IQ 110 
12-14            IQ 120 
15-17            IQ 135 
18-20            IQ 150 

1. If it's not broken....

2. It never rains, but....

3. Better late....

4. It's not over until.... (problems 4 & 5 are interchangeable)

5. It's not over until....

6. Whether you think that you can or that you can't....

7. The bigger they are....

8. If it wasn't for bad luck....

9. Never mix business....

10. Can't live with them....

11. Life is like a bowl....

12. Go ahead, punk....

13. See no evil....

14. That which does not kill me....

15. To be or not to be....

16. Four score and....

17. Don't count your chickens....

18. Jack and Jill went up the hill....

19. I think, therefore....

20. Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition....
