Ancient Cryptography Group
Did you know that Edgar Allan Poe wrote cryptograms, 1 of which was solved for the first time in the year 2000, more than 150 years after he wrote it? Many other codes and ciphers remain unsolved after decades and even centuries. Have you ever considered working with others on solving such things?
Although I'd like to call this a "society," technically this is more of an informal group. I asked the administrator for a blurb to post about it, and this is what I received:
"We're a small group set out to tackle the more challenging ciphers from the past, and their means of decoding that have been lost in time. Perhaps you might be lucky and discover a way to solve a cipher that many before you have failed to find."
This group was mentioned in a Mensa Bulletin issue, and I "joined" it, but have not been active. The group is 100% free, and you do not have to be a Mensa member to join. The primary method of communication appears to be message board postings. Although no actual "test" is needed to join, the administrator and I agreed that a screening process would be wise. In this vein, I have concocted a quick analogy puzzle. Solve it, and you will be taken to the main page of the Ancient Cryptography Group, where you may join and take part in their forum.
Simply replace "theanswer" in the URL below with the actual answer (use all lowercase letters), paste it into your broswer, and hit "enter". If you have the correct answer, you'll be taken to a page that says "Ancient Cryptography" at the top of the page. Answer it incorrectly, and you'll find yourself at the main page of, or on another of our pages. Feel free to try as often as you like:
fire IS TO igneous AS wood IS TO ?